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Wednesday, 25 August 2010

Reiki - comforting and healing


This is a wonderfully relaxing non-invasive treatment. It is believed to have originated in Tibet and was rediscovered in Japan, being introduced to the West in the 1970's.

Reiki has a similar effect on the body as meditation and is a very quiet and comforting treatment, thought to promote personal growth, increasing initiative, intellectual and creative processes.

In our ever-increasingly stressful lives, it is a useful means of relaxation - one hour of Reiki is reputed to be equivalent to three-four hours of deep, relaxing sleep and is one the most advanced natural stress-relieving therapies available.

You can have Reiki as a 30 or 60 minute treatment in its own right or as an 'add-on' to other treatments like back massage or Indian Head Massage. The client is fully clothed and comfortable on the couch under a blanket or duvet to keep warm since deep relaxation can lead to a decrease in body temperature. An intensely healing and balancing treatment - ideal for emotional problems or for those who are sensitive to touch.
About Myself and My Training
I am an independent Complementary Therapy Practitioner offering various treatments which are specifically designed and tailored for your well-being needs.

Most of my training was completed at Banff and Buchan College in Fraserburgh where I achieved an HNC in Complementary Therapy. I continued my training by attending seminars and postgraduate courses. I have studied with internationally renowned reflexologists Moss Arnold (Australia) and Chris Stormer (South Africa) gaining even further knowledge and experience.

I have worked with individual clients, major companies, charities and in schools giving treatments, delivering seminars and workshops, teaching massage, reflexology and meditation techniques and how to reduce the effects of stress. Clients have ranged in age from 3-83!

Most recently I was accepted at the University of Aberdeen and later gained a BSc Honours degree in Neuroscience with Psychology in 2009. My final year thesis focussed on the underlying mechanisms of pain and how conventional and complementary treatments can help people manage their pain - very appropriate for a complementary practitioner!

I invite you to make an appointment and experience a treatment or contact me for further information.

Belinda Kennedy BSc (Hons), MFHT

Tuesday, 24 August 2010

Thermal auricular therapy

...also known as Hopi Earcandling

So what is an earcandling treatment?

This treatment begins with a short back massage to relax you completely.

You will then lie comfortably on your side, your head supported by a pillow. Once I have made you comfortable I will light the 'candle' (it's not strictly a candle, since it is hollow) and place it gently into the outer ear passage using a light turning movement to seal the candle in place.

You will hear pleasant crackling and some hissing from the flame. I will be with you at all times, holding the candle in place throughout and will take care that no hair is within reach of the flame. Both ears are treated, each with its own Hopi candle.

The earcandles have a purely physical function. A light suction action (like a chimney effect) as well as the movement of the flame create a vibration of air in the candle, generating a light massage-like effect on the eardrum. You will experience a pleasant feeling of warmth and a balance of pressure in the ears, forehead and sinuses. The treatment is particularly soothing for headache, earache, ear noise and stress relief. You may also experience freer nasal breathing and an improved sense of smell.

Earcandling can also induce a deep state of relaxation and a sense of security as well as a lightning of the spirits.

I use Biosun Earcandles, made by hand using traditional methods and the best of ingredients. The candle itself is made of pesticide-free untreated cotton and impregnated with beeswax, honey extract and traditional herbs: St john's Wort, Camomile and pure essential oils.

The candles are medical products class IIa according to medical directive 93/42/EEC

You should NOT have earcandling if you have a perforated eardrum or grommets. Inflammation or infection of the ear or skin diseases in and around the ear are also contraindicated.

Very rarely allergic reactions to the ingredients are reported and spontaneous itchiness may be experienced - suitable eardrops may be used to treat this.