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Wednesday, 25 August 2010

Reiki - comforting and healing


This is a wonderfully relaxing non-invasive treatment. It is believed to have originated in Tibet and was rediscovered in Japan, being introduced to the West in the 1970's.

Reiki has a similar effect on the body as meditation and is a very quiet and comforting treatment, thought to promote personal growth, increasing initiative, intellectual and creative processes.

In our ever-increasingly stressful lives, it is a useful means of relaxation - one hour of Reiki is reputed to be equivalent to three-four hours of deep, relaxing sleep and is one the most advanced natural stress-relieving therapies available.

You can have Reiki as a 30 or 60 minute treatment in its own right or as an 'add-on' to other treatments like back massage or Indian Head Massage. The client is fully clothed and comfortable on the couch under a blanket or duvet to keep warm since deep relaxation can lead to a decrease in body temperature. An intensely healing and balancing treatment - ideal for emotional problems or for those who are sensitive to touch.

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